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Midsummer And Vulnerability

When I purchased this website I was excited to have a blog option. I had intended on using the blog feature to write about the Solstices, Equinoxes, Crystals, and any other special holidays that might come up. That would mean that, by my own expectations, I should have put up a post for the Summer Solstice. This past month has been rampant with highs and lows for me emotionally, and keeping to a schedule of any sort has not been easy. I’m not the only one of us walking around with a generalized anxiety disorder, or PTSD from any number of experiences we’ve had, or whatever other “disorders” we are dodging on a daily basis. Most days I parade around my world with a pretty nonchalant demeanor, facing the hits as they come, easily deciphering what deserves my energy, and what does not. But sometimes the hits come harder and strike nerves that are a little harder to navigate and can knock me out of the batting box. Though I always get back up, I try to take the time I need to dust myself off.

So, here we are, the Summer Solstice has come and gone, and I had a wonderful day celebrating it. I took a walk through my neighborhood, and the nearby woods. I listened to a podcast about the Solstice (The Middle-Aged Witch Podcast on Spotify), and while walking I found feathers from 5 different birds. Crow, Woodpecker, Hawk, Mourning Dove, and Goose all came to me in feather form on the longest day of the year. I have always been something of a feather whisperer, they find me wherever I am. I always assumed it was because my Zodiac sign is Libra and is an Air element sign. Me and the winged ones can relate to one another. Later that evening I attended a Candle Magick class with an elder witch. It was taught by a good friend of mine and was incredibly informative. Talking about fire on the Summer Solstice was magick in itself! I don’t enjoy blanket statements, and truly believe that anyone wishing to celebrate anything should do so how they see fit. The above is how I saw fit for this year. I was grateful to get outside, and to be in the company of like-minded people. Especially while navigating some rough waves emotionally.

The Summer Solstice is a sabbat for us witches, and we honor these in any number of ways. We turned the wheel out of the Eastern direction, and into the South. The South is the direction of passion, creativity, confidence, and that raw fiery energy that blazes brightly. You have it in you, and it’s what propels you forward into new ventures. It’s what moves you to make changes in your life. It’s what transforms you. Fire is that kind of energy that’s hard to control, it unleashes itself and goes where it wants. It is both death and rebirth. Out of the ashes of the flames we rise, rebuild, and start anew. The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, where the Sun sits in its highest seat. Let that resonate with you for a moment. We’re in June, and in the Northern Hemisphere that means Summer. It means swimming, sunbathing, kayaking, picnics, and outdoor patio experiences. These days can be enlightening, active, and joyous. Let them be. Find all of it while you can harness the energy of this fiery season. Time is illusory, and before we know it, the wheel will turn again and our hearts will delight in the smell of crisping leaves, and cooler breezes. For now, let it be Sun, let it be humidity, and let it be peaceful.

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