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Beltane Blessings!

We’re halfway there! Halfway where, you ask? Halfway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. This day is celebrated as Beltane, or May Day. Beltane is a celebration of fire and fertility. We are at a point in spring where seeds are sprouting, leaves are taking their rightful place on the trees, and we’ve even gotten to see the blooms of our Spring flowers. The earth is bountiful, and she is only going to produce more. It’s not only the fertility of Mother Earth that we are here to celebrate, but also the fertility of each other. Your creative projects, ideas, writings, and artwork are just as worthy of celebrating as babies in wombs, and the flowers that are budding.

Beltane is celebrated in a variety of ways, one of my favorites being with the use of flowers. Some might don a lovely crown of spring flowers to honor the height of Spring or make baskets and fill them with flowers. Maybe just a few flowers for your table, or desk is enough to connect you to the heartbeat of Mother Earth. There is no right or wrong, make your connection to her however you see fit, and however you are able to manage. She will delight in being a part of your day. If you don’t have fresh flowers, or are stuck indoors all day, consider closing your eyes for just a moment and breathing in through your nose the sweet scent of lilac, hyacinth, or your favorite flower. Keep breathing it in…

“I am life. I am sweet. I am flourishing. I can stand against the wind. I am in sync with the cycles of the seasons.”

The glorious element of Fire is a large part of the celebration of Beltane. Beltane is a Celtic word for “the fires of Bel,” Bel referring to the Sun god Belenus. Though it’s typical for a large celebration to include a bonfire, don’t dismiss the power of lighting a candle, or burning some herbs in your cauldron. Fire brings us a connection to passion, creativity, confidence, and courage. It can purify, destroy, cleanse, and renew. While it’s possible to safely enjoy the company of the Fire element at Beltane, if it is out of reach for you, consider a visualization exercise that includes Fire. You can sit comfortably visualizing the flames of a roaring fire, or the dainty flame of a candle, and call in the powers that Fire offers.

“I am Brave. I am Confident. I am Energetic. I am Light. I release and cleanse myself of energies and ideas that are not right for me. I am passionate. I am awakening anew.”

Not only are we halfway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, but we are also halfway to Samhain, or Halloween. Both Samhain and Beltane are precious times in which the veils between the worlds of humans and the supernatural are thin. At Samhain we walk amongst the souls of the dead who may be roaming a little closer to us than other times of the year. At Beltane we walk side by side with Fairies looking to enchant and mystify. They may be looking for a home in your garden, and you may welcome them, arms wide open. Though the Fae are known to be full of trickery, maybe you have a strong connection to their energy, and are up for the kinship. They love shiny things, colorful things, water, and flowers. If it calls you, you can spend your Beltane in the garden setting out small, natural objects for the Fairies to feel at home amongst. Just know that once are a friend of the Fae, you’re theirs, and they can be great allies.

Happy Beltane!!

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